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Internship At Congressman Steny Hoyer's District Office

By Emily Giuca, Justice and Legal Thought College Park Scholar

This experience allowed me to enhance my knowledge I had gained in previous semesters of JLT while continuing to educate me about prevalent issues and affairs involving the federal government.

This poster describes my internship experience at Congressman Steny Hoyer’s DC office. Many of my responsibilities included communicating with constituents via phone, email, or letter writing about casework or legislation, and composing documents of weekly press clippings. Within my conversations involving casework, I was able to learn more about how individual policies were affecting constituents’ everyday lives and help them find a solution to their problems. I felt as though I was not only making a difference in helping our office run smoothly, but also making a difference in bettering someone else’s life. My conversations about legislation allowed me to keep up with current political events and become exposed to new bills and passed laws that I was unfamiliar with. This experience allowed me to enhance my knowledge I had gained in previous semesters of JLT while continuing to educate me about prevalent issues and affairs involving the federal government.

Throughout this internship I received a better understanding of the inner workings of a congressional office and several networking opportunities within the realm of government and policy, each an important supplement to my learning inside the classroom.

Throughout this internship I received a better understanding of the inner workings of a congressional office and several networking opportunities within the realm of government and policy, each an important supplement to my learning inside the classroom. I feel as though I bettered the lives of many constituents and bettered my own by enriching it with a hands-on experience and several opportunities to expand my horizons. I would recommend this internship to anyone looking to learn more about social justice and assistance within a congressional office as well as gain invaluable experience and understanding about the issues both Congress and the constituents of the 5thdistrict of Maryland are facing.

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10 comentarios

02 may 2021

Hi, Emily!

One thing that makes this internship a more interesting one is Steny Hoyer's position as Majority Leader- but from this, it doesn't seem to have popped up much. I think taking calls and concerns from non-constituents is important when you're in leadership- because you are one of the key politicians that can set agendas, you're also one of the people that can make change.

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30 abr 2021

Hi Emily! Just like with Caroline and Leanna, I was attracted to your poster due to its involvement in government. The other to only mentioned answering constituent phone calls to my memory however. It is interesting that you also listened to the concerns of non-constituents. I would have thought politicians to not be too concerned with people that don't support them, but I suppose it makes sense as they would want to gain their support. Several people in JLT seem to have had this internship. Were there a lot of space for it?

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Annabelle Grant
Annabelle Grant
30 abr 2021

Hey Emily, I was interested in your project because Steny Hoyer is such a well-known figure in the political world, and interning with him sounds incredibly useful. Your poster efficiently described the inner-workings of the district office, and also connected really well to my US Gov class (where we talked about the importance of congressional representatives staying connected to their constituents). Did you ever get to meet Representative Hoyer?

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29 abr 2021

Hi Emily, I was drawn to your project because Steny Hoyer serves the district I live in and I am also interested in possibly interning for a congressman in the future. One thing I learned from your project was the kinds of things that happen in a congressman's office and the kinds of things that are focused on. How did interning at a Congressman's office change your perspective of the government?

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Gaya Shechter
Gaya Shechter
29 abr 2021

Hey Emily! Your poster caught my attention because working at a Congressman's office seems like an incredible opportunity! I loved learning about what your role was and the types of tasks you had to complete as well as how this internship impacted you. Are there any specific social justice issues you feel most passionately about continuing to combat?

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