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Student Due Process in University Sexual Assault Proceedings

By John Stafford, Justice and Legal Thought

111 views13 comments


Caroline Shimeall
Caroline Shimeall
May 10, 2020

Hello! Your project caught my eye because I was planning on looking for an internship or research opportunity concerning this subject matter. While I was aware of the Obama administration standards as well as the new Trump administration standards, something interesting I took from viewing your poster was your idea that the most just guidelines are somewhere in the middle. I personally disagree with this because the system has been difficult for victims to navigate under all administrations, thus, the most just outcomes will be reached when victims feel as though people will believe them. Clear-and-convincing-evidence is very difficult to obtain from a sexual assault case, and so many students will simply not come forward and never obtain justice if…


Alexa Bornstein
Alexa Bornstein
May 10, 2020

I was drawn to your project, because sexual assault and how it is handled is a very prevalent and important topic when discussing college institutions. Recent policy changes has made this topic even more imperative to address. From you project, I learned a lot about the different policies that have been put in place for sexual assault on college campuses such as the fact that the Obama administration highly discouraged the presence of lawyers. My question for you would be, do you think that it is realistic for a president to step up and make a revised policy that, as you discussed, has more of a middle ground or do you think partisanship will make this impossible?


Hyo Jeon
Hyo Jeon
May 10, 2020

This project stood out to me because sexual assault on campus is very common and something I believe should be discussed more. I learned that the guidelines changed depending on the current president, which is something I was not aware of. What do you think are different ways the process can be changed to help both parties involved?


Courtney Cohn
Courtney Cohn
May 10, 2020

Hi John, your project stood out to me because sexual assault on college campuses has been such an important issue for a long time, but despite efforts to alleviate it, it's still so prevalent and not viewed as a priority by some individuals due to the immense stigma around it. It's definitely interesting that both of Trump's and Obama's guidelines relied on more extreme approaches, instead of a middle ground, which seems most logical. Do Trump's policies decrease the number of students reporting incidents? Also, it's great that you explained how universities do not have formal legal proceedings, so they have the ability to make a process more fair and more comfortable for students.


Colin Miller
Colin Miller
May 10, 2020

John, this project especially stood out to me because of the extreme number of sexual assault cases on college campuses every year. After reading through your poster, i learned that a school official acting as a witness and prosecutor is not a violation of a student's due process rights. A question i have for you is do you see yourself pursuing a job where you can explore this issue in more depth?

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