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Psychosis in Prisons: Is the Justice System Failing Mentally Ill Prisoners?

By Alia Shields, Justice and Legal Thought

132 views15 comments


Isabella Scopetski
Isabella Scopetski
May 11, 2020

This research project is extremely interesting and I found it encouraging that you were able to go so in-depth with your research. I imagine that this project raised just as many questions than it did answers. Given more time and maybe a salary, what further research would you like to see conducted?


May 11, 2020

Hi, Alia! This project really stood out to me as a criminology & criminal justice major as I have written multiple papers on this topic. I have prior knowledge, but I learned more about ACT and how it should be implemented with your project. Outside of altering the classification process and possibly furthering the use of ACT are there other ways that you think the correctional system could address and/or treat mental illness amongst prison populations?


Hamsaa Kumar
Hamsaa Kumar
May 11, 2020

Hi Alia,

This is an amazing research project! I was really drawn to this project because of its relevance in modern prison reform policy. This is something that I learned about in some of my criminology intro classes, so I was excited to see research being done on this topic. It's unfortunate that in our federal prison system, it seems that only the symptoms of this issue are being treated, and not enough is being done to address the root of the issue, which is the lack of proper mental health evaluations and adequate treatment. Thank you so much for sharing your research with us! You said that some of the studies were from other countries, so how would you…


Courtney Cohn
Courtney Cohn
May 10, 2020

Hi Alia! Your project stood out to me because this topic is so important, yet it is not talked about enough. Criminal justice and prison reform are such a pressing issues in our country right now, and unfortunately it's not surprising that mentally ill prisoners are not receiving the therapy and treatment they need. It's great how you detailed the effects of psychosis on a prisoner, like them being more likely to commit violent crimes later on, because it shows how detrimental it is to our society as a whole to simply ignore this mental health issue. How did you initially choose this topic and gain an interest in it?


May 10, 2020

As an individual who is incredibly passionate about mental health reform, your project truly stands out to me. Especially through your choice in imagery and use of graphs and statistics, it really captures the importance of your topic. I did not know that so many prisoners had psychosis and suffered the fate of recidivism because of it. What are the immediate first steps that prisons can take to improve their treatment for their mentally ill prison population?

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