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My Experience as a Volunteer Math Tutor and Why it's Important

By Samuel C. Schwartz, Justice and Legal Thought

The work we do is really important because there is a tremendous opportunity gap in the U.S. between those with resources, and those without.

This past semester I have been volunteering as a mentor for America Counts. America Counts mentors tutor fourth graders at local public schools in math and serve as role models for them. The participating public schools each have us come out two days a week, either Monday and Wednesday, or Tuesday and Thursday. I personally volunteered as a mentor for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The work we do is really important because there is a tremendous opportunity gap in the U.S. between those with resources, and those without. For example, one of the schools that I mentored for, told us that the students might receive less homework, because they were running short on paper. America Counts is meant to try and work towards closing that gap by providing free tutoring for kids who would otherwise not be able to get the extra help they need to succeed. Serving as role models is also a really important aspect of what we do. Giving the kids access to a positive role model, that they otherwise may not have had, who asks them about their day at the beginning of each mentoring session is a large part of how we try and work to improve our mentees lives, outside of helping them get better at math. Another important goal of America Counts is to make math enjoyable for our mentees. Coming up with math games and playing them with the mentees is a lot of fun and serves the very important purpose of taking one of the most feared subjects, and making enjoyable and approachable.

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2 comentarios

Josh Fein
Josh Fein
11 may 2020

Hey Samuel, your poster stood out to me because I was not sure how it related to JLT as a whole. Nevertheless, you make a very good connection and explain the strong importance of education for children at a young age in different subjects. Children have the ability to learn and absorb a ridiculous amount of information and people need to allow them the best chances to succeed while in school.

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10 may 2020

This poster caught my attention because I was wondering how tutoring in math can relate to the Justice and Legal Thought program. I learned that tutoring the young population is extremely beneficial for them and provides them with a solid foundation in subjects they may not have enjoyed before. It was also interesting to see how you related the two and I think that your relation was a valid one.

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